Treatment of canine arthritis is a challenge for both owners and veterinarians

Treatment of canine arthritis is a challenge for both owners and veterinarians. But if you have the right plan in place, your dog should be able to enjoy a quality life for as long as possible.

Symptoms of canine arthritis include stiffness, soreness, and pain in the joints and bones. Fortunately, there are several treatments that can help ease the symptoms and slow down the progression of this condition.

Diet, medications and physical therapy are some of the most common forms of canine arthritis treatment. Your veterinarian will explain which of these methods is appropriate for your dog and answer any questions you may have along the way.


Diet is an important part of managing your dog’s arthritis, as a healthy diet helps to keep your pet’s joints and muscles in top shape. Avoiding processed foods and eating a diet rich in natural whole grains, fruits and vegetables can help prevent inflammation and promote healthy joint function.

Your veterinarian can recommend a specific arthritis diet, which will contain treatment of canine arthritis special nutrients that are helpful to your dog’s health. These include glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which are natural compounds that can help your pet’s cartilage regenerate and strengthen, and omega fatty acids, which are good for reducing inflammation and pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most commonly used types of medication to treat arthritis in dogs. These medications block chemicals in the body that cause inflammation and pain, so they are very effective at relieving your dog’s symptoms quickly.

Acupuncture and massage are also often beneficial in helping to reduce pain and improve mobility in arthritic dogs. These therapies can be performed in conjunction with NSAIDs and other medicines or as stand-alone treatments.

Exercise and hydrotherapy are also useful for arthritic dogs. Light and moderate exercises such as walking, swimming, hide and seek, and playing with toys can help your dog maintain his strength and flexibility without placing too much strain on his joints.

Other alternative therapies, such as cold laser and stem cell therapy, are also available to relieve your dog’s arthritis symptoms. Veterinary surgeons are able to perform these therapies and can recommend the best course of action for your pet’s individual needs.


If your dog’s arthritis is not improving, or if it has progressed to severe levels, your veterinarian may recommend surgery. There are many kinds of surgeries, such as arthroscopic surgery, that can repair damaged bones and cartilage and fuse joint parts to make them stronger.

Surgical techniques are also used to replace damaged joints with artificial ones, which are usually more stable than their natural counterparts and require less maintenance and maintenance costs.

The most common form of canine arthritis is osteoarthritis, which occurs when the cartilage that protects the bones of a joint breaks down. Osteoarthritis is generally seen in older dogs and can be caused by age, genetics, obesity or injury.

Weight management is very important in arthritic dogs as excess weight puts extra strain on their bones and joints. Losing weight can significantly reduce the stress load on a dog’s arthritic joints and will reduce symptoms.